Current Score
2.38 / 5.00 (- 2.62)
it went down in score quite a bit
i enjoy lots of types of music and like hanging out with friends listning to music shopping and gaming so yea, u can proceed to hating me now
north bristol Post 16
Bristol UK
Joined on 6/29/07
Posted by paradox9 - October 29th, 2008
Current Score
2.38 / 5.00 (- 2.62)
it went down in score quite a bit
i staple used condoms to my ribs
i kill jews
Man Fuck You! Punk Ass Mutha' Fucka!
GTFO outta ma face Bitch, You Feelin' me?
fuck ~~~~~~ off
well your l sigh is alright but you should include a picture tho
wanna join the TROLL SQUAD?
for more info,check out my userpage.XD
yes you area
<a href="">http://images.encyclopediadramatica.c om/images/d/d2/4chan-venn-diagram.png </a>
Now you desirve to get slapped.
Not sure why you have so many bs comments but I thought I'd leave one since you graced my page. I have very much enjoyed your remixes. Seems we share a common interest in Death Note, thoroughly enjoyed that series.
death note is awesome and if you want to know why i get so many comments PM me and ill tel you my game which i play at the expence of other users
and remixes?
Haha, seems the fool I play. I misread your screen name, I was mistaken that you were the one who made the remixes.
your the second person to do that
We should meet up some time (again).
we should
Score of what???
an audio submission
Better not be my audio.
i did vote on urs but its not
ur an asswipe
and you sir, oh wait no kid, and you kid are a pathetic waste of space
hi Paragonx9
thats... not me
why? whyyyyyyy?
why not
<a href=""> p?autocom=shoutbox</a><a href="">http://www.psperspe ttp</a>:// ?autocom=shoutbox
jelous of the disk aren't you
<a href=""> p?autocom=shoutbox</a>
your not evil....
yes u are evil and i am hungry, ur mom has boobs, a chair has 4 legs and well u got the point
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